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Additional CT-Scans

  1. CVA
  2. Head for Trauma
  3. *CTPA for suspected PE
  4. Abdominopelvic:
  5. Suspected small bowel pathology
  6. Suspected large bowel pathology
  7. Suspected liver pathology
  8. Suspected pancreatic pathology
  9. Ovarian tumors
  10. CT Urogram
  11. Chest
  12. ICSOL/headaches
  13. Neck masses
  14. Low Dose abdominal CT for kidney stones
  15. Lumbosacral CT for back pains
  16. Pediatric head ( all indications)
  17. Spine CT for trauma
  18. HRCT for intestitial lung disease
  19. Extremities for bone pathologies.
  20. Jaw masses
  21. Cervical spine for trauma
  22. Pelvic trauma/bone pathologies
  23. Paranasal sinuses
  24. *CT cerebral angiography for suspected SAH/aneurysms
  25. *CT cerebral venogram for suspected dural sinus thrombosis
  26. *Suspected abdominal aortic aneurysm
  27. Aortic angiography for suspected disections, aneurysms.


About us

Epsilon Medical Diagnostic Services LTD is a Ghanaian / American facility offering state of the art medical diagnostic services to patients in Ghana and the rest of West Africa. Read more.


Epsilon Medical Diagnostic Services
Tarkwa, WT-0074-2183

  +233 244 542649


  Mo-Fr: 10.00 - 18.00